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A jaded police reporter. Two women. Three chiuauas.
An old apartment, and some revelations


Em Chuva de papel, acompanhamos a trajetória de um repórter policial decadente que precisa encontrar forças para lidar com o dia a dia depois de uma situação inesperada. Nesse percurso, ele descobrirá uma história memorável que o fará escrever novamente. Este é um romance tragicômico, intenso e sensível.

Joel Nascimento é repórter, arquivo vivo das transformações do Rio de Janeiro. Ele passou meio século nas redações noticiando o lado B da Cidade Maravilhosa, e agora enfrenta dificuldades financeiras, problemas familiares e alcoolismo. Após uma peculiar tentativa de suicídio, sua vida toma um rumo inesperado quando ele é obrigado a morar de favor com a tia de um amigo. Glória é uma senhora energética, que exige mais interações e boas maneiras do que ele está disposto a dar. A esse arranjo junta-se a falante vizinha Aracy e seus dois chiuauas grisalhos.
Da convivência inesperada e pontuada por atritos corriqueiros emerge um companheirismo que preencherá o vagar das horas. À medida que Joel se ambienta à nova rotina, ele se verá diante de uma última história formidável, e sabe que deve contá-la. Passado e presente se alternam neste romance entremeado da crueza da vida marginal e de dissabores afetivos.

The invisible life
of Euridice Gusmão

“Prepare to love Euridice” (Kirkus review), the protagonist of this  “jubilant” (Madame Figaro), “extraordinary” (Vogue Brazil) and
charming (Elle France) novel.

Born in Rio de Janeiro to Portuguese expatriates during the 1920s, Euridice Gusmão is a resourceful woman with ambitious goals. However, neither her parents nor her husband, Antenor – an earnest yet stern bank employee – are supportive of her many inventive endeavors. Her sister, Guida, runs away after meeting the prestigious doctor Marcos, only to be burdened with the consequences of single parenting once he abandons the marriage. Intertwining these two powerful narratives, the author paints an enlightening picture of the progressive women of the era and the struggles they faced while attempting to carve their own place in a male-dominated society


The Castles
of Ipanema

A novel that begins as a fable
and ends as a melancholy portrait of Rio

Published in Brazil, Spain, France, Portugal and Italy, this novel creates a fictional story for Johan Edward Jansson and his descendants, and depicts how the family contributed to the shaping of Rio de Janeiro.

Divided into two parts, the narrative first explores the arrival of Johan and his wife Brigitta, to Rio, and how they contribute to transform a sleepy beach community, Ipanema, into one of the most charming destinations in the world. The second part of the book tells the story of Johan’s grandson, Otavio, and his wife Estela. Now much more densely populated, Ipanema still maintains some of the poetry of the early days, but it is changed by a whirlwind of modern development. The country is also going through a deep transformation, due to a military dictatorship.


The Castles of Ipanema brings together multiple subplots, with facts, historical figures and fictional characters mixed into a well-orchestrated narrative. It tells a story that can be seen all across Latin America, where short memory and short-sighted decisions of a few were enough to scar the lives of many. 

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